#JewishtoursinBologna. In Bologna in the 15th and 16th centuries Jews🕎practiced money lending with interest which was immediately called usury. Why were they forced into this profession and where did they get the money from? Was usury more about performance than reality? What tactics did Merchants and Bankers use for disguising the interest payments? Why did the Catholic Church play its part in sowing the seeds of change of attitude by developing the concept of Purgatory?🔥🔥 The Knights Templar 🤺🤺founded the first real private banks in the 12th century. As can be seen in the photos, they came to Bologna from the cross symbol➕ on the Glossator tombs in Piazza Malpighi.
What were the Banks of Piety which operated for over a year in 1473, in Via Indipendenza and then closed down?

Despite the many loopholes and exceptions usury laws still had teeth. Why did prohibition on Usury fade away? From the 12th to the 16th century clergymen known as the Scholastics debated whether money lending was truly sinful. Some Clergy refused to budge from the liberal words of the bible and others appealed to antisemitism to denounce usury. Did the Scholastics resolve their disputes?