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#Ravenna private tours. I am happy to take people with disabilites to Ravenna. . #TheodoraMosaic.

Immagine del redattore: Stephanie Foulkes TouristStephanie Foulkes Tourist

. #Theodoraoneofthemostpowerfulwomenintheworld. In 540 ad Emperor Justinian had got back Ravenna, during a time of political turmoil in Europe and the Eastern mediterranean. Here we have Justinian and Theodora making their mark, in a mosaic which is part of a pair in the Basilica of San Vitale, Ravenna, proving they are in charge of the world during a time of religious controversy. They are certain they are right and that they are ruling on behalf of God. Theodora started her life in Constantinople, as the daughter of a bear-keeper 🐻and trainer father and her mother was a prostitute. She became a prostitute at 16 and one of the most famous entertainers 🤸‍♀🤸‍♀️ at the hippodrome, with her erotic gymnastic dances between races. She was clearly very clever, She slept her way to the top, and worked as a spy. After a period of converting to christianity and also living as a hermet, she caught the eye of Justinian who changed the laws so he could marry an actress. During this enlightened marriage Theodora gave rights to women, such as the law that men had to ask their wives before getting into debt, and she made safe houses for prostitutes and she made it harder for men to walk free after committing rape. Did she also imprison people without trial and torture people? Theodora is dripping in jewellery,💎💍 Note the three magi on the hem. How did they make the Tyrian purple💜 silk from thousands of snails?🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌 Theodora and Justinian also welcomed refugees into their palace and had to put up sheets as dividers. 💂‍♂️👳‍♂️🧕👲👲👳‍♀️🧕

🧕🧕💂‍♂️💂‍♂👳‍♂️🧒. Did Justinian continue to commemorate Theodora after her death at 48? If you would like to hear the answers to these questions and go on a private tour, please contact me



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